What is a digital myxoid cyst?
A digital myxoid cyst is a fluid filled sac (cyst) which forms near the base of the nail or over the furthest joints of the fingers. This type of cyst is also called a Digital Mucous Cyst.
What causes a digital myxoid cyst?
The exact cause is unknown. Osteoarthritis of the joints of the fingers has been shown to be a risk factor in developing this type of cyst. Trauma and damage to the skin of the fingers may also increase the risk of developing these cysts.
What are the symptoms?
- Fluid filled lump over the furthest joints or base of the nail
- Skin coloured
- Usually not painful (unless infected)
- Feels soft and boggy
- Symptoms of arthritis of the hand (Swollen joint, bony lumps)
How can a digital myxoid cyst be treated?
- Conservative treatment: Soaks, massage, heat
- Topical steroids: Skin based steroid creams
- Steroid injections
- Cryotherapy (Freeze)
- Surgery to remove cyst
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