Do I need to be referred by my General Practitioner?
You will need a letter of referral from your GP or referring physician. This can be posted or faxed or you can bring it with you. You are able to book an appointment directly by telephoning Alison Garth (Medical Secretary).


How long will I wait?
You can usually be seen within one week of referral to the clinic.


What will happen at my consultation?
You meet the consultant who will take a detailed clinical history of your problem and then a physical examination will be carried out. The consultant will then explain the potential causes of your skin complaint and offer treatment or arrange further investigations.


How long will the consultation last?
New consultations usually take 20-30 minutes. Follow-up consultations usually take 10-15 minutes.


Can I have skin surgery or other treatments performed when I attend my first consultation?
It may be possible to perform some simple procedures at the initial consultation. More complex procedures require a separate appointment.


What if I need other non-surgical treatment?
A private prescription can be provided for any treatment that is recommended by the consultant.


What else can I expect?
A letter giving details of any treatment or investigations will be sent to your General Practitioner. Other information and leaflets are also available.


How much will a consultation cost?
The usual charge for an initial consultation is £165.00 (pounds sterling) which includes details of any recommendations with regard to treatment, investigation and letter sent to your General Practitioner. The charge for follow-up appointments is £115.00 (pounds sterling). If you require any special investigations or treatment, then a full range of costs is available from the BMI Hospitals.


Do I need private medical insurance?
No. Self-funding patients are welcome. Many patients attending the clinic do not have private healthcare insurance.